Contoura Vision Surgery: Suitability and Benefits?

Contoura Vision also known as Topo-guided Contour Treatment, is the latest technology in laser specs removal to correct all the irregularities on the cornea. This gives you much better vision results than only LASIK. So, if you are finding the best method to get freedom from your glasses then it would be the most suitable, safe and affordable option. 

Benefits of Contoura Vision / Topoguided Contour

Contoura creates a detailed and accurate map of your eye.

It maps up to 22,000 unique points on each eye, compared to around 20 points with LASIK.

Contoura corrects irregularities in the cornea's shape and optics.




No Injections

No Bandage

No Hospitalization

Walk in-Walk Out Specs Free

Who is suitable for this Contoura Vision/ Topo-guided Contour?

This procedure is suitable for:

1. Individuals with stable vision i.e. no significant change in prescription for at least a year.

2. People with nearsightedness (myopia) or astigmatism.

3. Patients seeking enhanced quality vision beyond standard LASIK results.

4. Adults aged 18 and older with healthy corneas.

5. Those free from eye diseases such as cataracts or glaucoma.

6. Female patients who are not pregnant and lactating.

Always consult with an eye doctor to determine if you're a good candidate.

How does Contoura Vision Surgery works?

Contoura Vision Surgery is add-on step during removing the number by reshaping the cornea. This procedure uses an Excimer Laser to make the cornea smoother by removing the irregularities on cornea. Topo-guided can be added in all types of LASIK:

C- LASIK (Blade) + Topoguidied Contour (TG)

Femto LASIK (Bladeless) + Topoguidied Contour (TG)

SmartSurf + Topoguidied Contour (TG)

Trans PRK + Topoguidied Contour (TG)


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