Preventing Macular Holes and Tears: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
What Are Macular Holes and Tears The macula is a critical part of the eye responsible for central vision, allowing us to read, recognize faces, and see fine details. Unfortunately, conditions like macular holes and tears can threaten the health of the macula and, subsequently, our central vision. Macular Holes: A macular hole is a small break in the macula; the central part of the retina. It typically occurs when the vitreous gel inside the eye shrinks and pulls away from the macula. This can lead to distorted or blurred central vision. Macular Tears: Macular tears are similar but differ in that they are caused by the abnormal pulling or tugging of the vitreous gel on the macula. This can result in a split or tear in the macula, affecting central vision. Common Symptoms: Distorted Vision: You might not see the things clearly. Straight lines may appear wavy or bent. Blurry Central Vision: You will find it difficult to see fine details from the centre. As this eye problem impacts the