Defeating Eye Flu: Causes, Treatment, & Prevention Strategies

 Eye flu, also known as viral conjunctivitis or eye flu, is a contagious eye infection that causes redness, itching, and watery eyes. Common causes include viral infections, bacteria, and poor hygiene practices. Common symptoms include redness, foreign body sensation, itching, watering, discharge, swelling, sensitivity to light, and blurred vision.

To prevent eye flu, it is important to clean hands regularly, avoid touching eyes directly, use tissues or elbow while coughing or sneezing, and clean and disinfect surfaces regularly. If wearing contact lenses, practice good contact lens hygiene.

Eye flu treatment options typically provide relief within 15 days, but should be differentiated from eye allergies. Treatment options include cold compresses, artificial tears, lubricating ointments, antibiotic and steroid eye drops, and home remedies like cold compresses, avoiding rubbing, avoiding irritants, proper rest and sleep, and maintaining hygiene. Oral medications may be prescribed by an eye care doctor to treat symptoms and speed recovery. Antihistamines and pain relievers can help alleviate itching and decrease allergic responses.

Visiting an eye specialist is crucial as symptoms start and the diagnosis is confirmed. It is essential to isolate from other family members and seek medical attention immediately.


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